Carefully chosen summaries to energize leadership, teaching, and learning

Beliefs About Students

Beliefs About Intelligence and Ability

  1. Learning to be "smart" in kindergarten
  2. The influence of mindsets
  3. Walking the talk on growth mindset in mathematics classes

How Measures of Intelligence Are Used

  1. Five reasons to stop using IQ tests
  2. Using tests to promote equity
  3. Ideas and cautions about multiple intelligences
  4. Misreading children's futures

Developing Efficacy and Wisdom

  1. Helping students develop self-efficacy
  2. Fostering positive academic mindsets
  3. Changing students' thoughts and feelings about achievement

Changing Students' Trajectories

  1. Useful applications of mindset thinking
  2. What it takes to boost the performance of low-achieving students
  3. How geniuses are made

Professional Learning Suggestions

Beliefs About Students

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